Over the years I have really tried to get into supplements. I have friends who absolutely swear by various tablets try to get me on board but for some reason it’s just never stuck. It might be that I’m just not great at taking tablets, and also I have a terrible memory and no real set morning routine so all of my best intentions often fall by the wayside. However, for the past 6 weeks I’ve been trying out this supplement: have a peek at my Silidyn Rejuvenate review below…
*This is a sponsored post in association with Silidyn.
The main thing that appealed to me about Silidyn Rejuvenate was that it is a liquid supplement. If you’re not keen on taking tablets then the fact that you can put a few drops of a supplement into a drink will be a game-changer! Every morning, I put about eight drops of the Silidyn Rejuvenate into a small glass of juice and I was done. The supplement doesn’t taste of anything, but for some reason every single morning I would brace myself and prepare for a bitter taste and I don’t know why! Maybe because the liquid is a brown/orange colour? Maybe because I associate supplements/medicine with a nasty taste? I don’t know. It definitely does not have a noticeable taste and even says it contains sweeteners… I think I’m just strange.
Shall we talk about the benefits of Silidyn Rejuvenate? It’s byline is ‘for inner health and outer beauty’ which sounds like something I can get on board with. It’s advertised as containing Ortho Silicic Acid (OSA) ‘for superior bio-availability’… I didn’t know what that means so I did some research. Prepare for the science bit! Silicic Acid is the ‘digestible form of silica’ which we know has an impact on the immune system and collagen creation, as well as hair, skin and nail health. As we age, the amount of silicon in our bodies decreases, which leads to degeneration of bones and joints, along with a lack of volume and elasticity in the skin, strength of hair and nails. There are a few studies HERE and HERE that look more closely at the effects of OSA if you fancy some further reading. The other ingredients are listed below, along with their benefits, taken from the Silidyn Rejuvenate website:
- MSM: helps to keep connective tissue between joints supple
- Zinc: supports the immune system as well as the skin’s regenerative strength
- Boron: an important building block of bone tissue
- OPC: from maritime pine extract, helps to protect cells and tissues against ageing
- Manganese: helps in the maintenance of connective tissue
- Selenium: plays an important role in the protection of free radicals
So – let’s get down to the nitty gritty – did I see any effects? In short, yes! With things like this, it’s obviously impossible to do a comparable test: I can’t clone myself and compare a placebo with the actual product. But there have been changes that are obvious to me.
The first was an overall change to my health. Every single year I am guaranteed to get ill at Christmas, something that a lot of people experience. It’s cold, you’re run down, it’s a stressful time, then you stop working and chill out for a few days and your body goes ‘Ahhhh time to relax! I’ll just lower my defences, I’m sure nothing bad will happen…’ and BAM! You’re sick. It’s like clockwork. This year? Nothing. Everyone around me was sick and I escaped unscathed. Again, this isn’t something that I can prove is a direct effect of this supplement, but for me this was the first sign that something positive was happening.
The second thing I noticed was that my nails seemed to grow quicker than usual. Hands up, full disclosure, my nails grow pretty quickly. But at the end of November I completely smashed off the pointer finger nail on my right hand. I remember the exact date because it was the day before I met Rita Remark (the lead manicurist for Essie). This sounds like a bizarre humble brag but it’s relevant, I promise: when you’re meeting someone who is your nail hero, you do not want one of your nails to be smashed off BELOW THE NAIL LINE. It bled, people. Again, I swear that this is all relevant! On that day, I was having my nails done and the manicurist was giving me sympathy for my broken nail and asked how long it would take to catch up to my other nails and I said about 3 months (if you follow my blog/instagram, you’ll know how long my nails were!) Flash forward to today – 7 weeks later – and my nail is almost caught up with the others. Even for me, that is really impressive. You can see how much the nail has grown in this picture – it broke off about 1mm below the nail line!
The last thing that I noticed was a reduction in the amount that I’ve been moulting. I lose a lot of hair on a regular basis – not in a ‘developing a bald spot’ kind of way, just in a vaguely irritating, why-is-my-flat-and-everything-I-own-covered-in-hair kind of way. Every time I wash my hair, when I play with my hair, when I style it: hair everywhere. But I’ve noticed over the past month that the amount of hair I’m losing is definitely reduced. I still lose hair fairly regularly, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it was before.
Obviously I have no way of testing if there has been a change to my bones or joints (!) but the impact on my nails, hair and immune system is enough to make me a convert. If you think you could use some help in those areas, I would really recommend this supplement. Plus it’s £19.95 – and is currently on buy one get one free HERE – go go go! I think this is a great price to enable you to try it out without feeling like it’s a huge expense. One bottle should last between 8-10 weeks.
Have you tried liquid supplements before? Are you intrigued by Silidyn Rejuvenate?
*This is a sponsored post in association with Silidyn Rejuvenate. Links may be affiliate. For more information please see the Disclaimer tab at the top of the page.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I’ve been taking tablet supplements for Hair and Nails from Holland & Barrett which I crush and mix in with yogurt as I really struggle with tablets buts its a pain to do (maybe I’m just incredibly lazy too haha) This sounds perfect & I’ve just placed my order!
I’m so intrigued – and being able to get rid of tablets is an amazing win!