About 6 weeks ago I started the #UndesirablesOfInstagram campaign after discovering that Instagram/Facebook described skin conditions as ‘undesirable’ in their guidelines.

You can read the full #UndesirablesOfInstagram story (with screenshots of the official guidelines) HERE if you missed it the first time.
I was commissioned by Refinery29 to write about the experience and through their contacts I tried one last time to contact Instagram…
I am so excited to say that as of yesterday the guidelines have been rewritten. The words ‘undesirable’ and ‘idealised’ in relation to people’s appearance no longer feature anywhere in their guidelines. A spokesperson from Instagram said that although the wording was never intended to upset or damage the skin positivity community, they acknowledge that it was misleading.
The guidelines now state: “We don’t allow ads that contain unexpected or unlikely results. Ad content must not imply or attempt to generate negative self-perception in order to promote diet, weight loss, or other health related products.”
I cannot even describe how I’m feeling right now. When I first blogged about this issue and posted on Instagram about it, I had low expectations. In my wildest dreams I thought that maybe it would increase awareness of the incredible skin positivity community and the work we do every day to raise awareness and support those who need it.
I want to thank every person who posted an #UndesirablesOfInstagram selfie, those who shared my post, used the hashtag, commissioned articles, sent me messages of support, and helped to spread the word. This change happened because of YOU and I am so proud of every single one of you. The skin positivity community (and the rosacea community in particular) is fairly small, so the fact that our campaign has resulted in meaningful change and a reconsideration of terminology internally at one of the world’s biggest and most influential companies is incredible and so overwhelming.
Putting your head above the parapet can be scary. There were moments in the last 6 weeks when I honestly wondered why I had started this, why I’d opened myself up to trolls and ignorance, whether the eventual impact would be worth the effort. But the support from the community, the new people I’ve discovered through this shared experience, and this actual tangible result is better than I ever could have imagined. Thank you.
Looking for some next steps?
The content on my site will always be free, but if you would like to you can buy me a cup of coffee or a slice of cake to say thank you. Ko-fi is a wonderful platform that helps you support the creators you love.

- Follow me on INSTAGRAM for lots of rosacea updates.
- Get more information on rosacea and my journey so far in my ROSACEA FAQ POST.
- Join my private rosacea FACEBOOK GROUP.
- And I’ve linked my digital downloads designed by me to help you get to grips with your rosacea: grab the Rosacea Trigger Checklist and the Rosacea Flare Up Diary.
Just shows it just takes one person to start a revolution well done to all involved xxx