Thank you for visiting Talonted Lex! First things first, introductions… Hi I’m Lex *awkward wave*. I’m passionate about sensitive skincare (and rosacea in particular), skin positivity, as well as make up and beauty in all its forms.
I started blogging in 2011 when I was made redundant and needed something to keep me sane on the internet. I have always loved nail art and have a (slightly ridiculous) nail varnish collection, so my blog was initially a nail blog – hence the name Talonted Lex. However, I soon started incorporating other aspects of beauty into my blog, most commonly skincare. I talk a lot about caring for sensitive and atypical skin as I have rosacea and have spent the last 19 years learning how to manage and care for my temperamental skin. 19 years of constantly testing skincare, trying out make up and trialling lifestyle changes in order to control my rosacea means that I am able to offer advice and support for those of you dealing with similar issues. Together we can kick rosacea’s butt!
In 2020, in the midst of lockdown, I set up a new business: Real Skin Club. This had been a ‘maybe one day’ idea for a while and I’m so excited it’s finally out there. If you are all about skin positivity, this will be right up your street. Visit the site HERE.
If you’re a company or journalist who would like to work with me, please have a look at THIS PAGE for more information.
Now that you know a little about my work, here’s a little summary of me as a person:
I have an unhealthy obsession with badgers. I lived in London for nearly 10 years but moved back to Yorkshire in 2021. Matte lipstick can cure all ills. The first make up item I ever bought was a black pencil eyeliner: I applied it (poorly) to my water line, with no other make up, and I looked like Robert Smith if his eyes were shrunk to the size of a shrew’s. Northerners think I sound too southern; southerners think I sound really northern. Gin and ginger ale is my drink of choice – just try it, you can thank me later. I’m married to Aaron who is a comedy writer, social media wizard, and author. I like to read books about the end of the world. I was the actual Crying Wife that went viral: yes, I really do cry at everything including pictures of piglets. I am obsessed with pretty much every social media platform so come talk to me on any of them: you can find all my links in the top right *gestures up there*.
If you’re new to Talonted Lex, here are some popular blog posts to get you started:
Rosacea Triggers checklist (FREE digital download)
Rosacea Flare Up Diary (FREE digital download)
You can also join my private Facebook group – Rosacea Club – HERE.
So now that we’re pretty much best friends, don’t forget to follow me on social media (you can find the links at the top of the page on the right) and subscribe so you never miss a post. There’s an email subscription box in the menu on the right so you can get handy emails to let you know when I’ve posted.
Welcome to the Talonted Lex community.
P.S. Here’s a photo of me cry-laughing at a puppy. I feel it sums me up very well.
HI There,
I hope your well & enjoying a nice weekend?
I run a vintage event company. We host one event a month at venues sizing range from 400-800 people. The idea behind the events is to bring our guests back to the glamorous past of the 1920’s. This attracts a London clientele aged between 25-35, with the majority being females. Please see our website for a better feel of what it is we do
We would love for you to write about us and would like to invite you to our next event on the 19th September.
Please let me know if this is something of interest to you and I will send over some tickets.
Kind Regards,
Will Duffy