Escentual French Pharmacy Sale: 15 Products You Need

This morning I woke up to the wondrous news that the Escentual French pharmacy sale is BACK. Every three months or so this incredible sale rolls around and I lose all self control. I asked on Twitter if people would like a ‘what should I buy, please enable me’ blog post and a lot of you said yes, so here it is: the 15 products you need from the Escentual French Pharmacy Sale.

Escentual French Pharmacy Sale: the 15 products you need - Talonted Lex

*Image taken from Escentual.

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July Skincare Shake Up 2016

If anything is guaranteed to get me excited, it’s skincare. I used to hate anything to do with skin because my rosacea would flare up at the drop of a hat. I was terrified and so I just used the same products over and over and tried to ignore the reactions, as I felt it was better the devil you know. I have now reached a point where I know my skin a lot better and actually look forward trying new products as I am so excited to find the next thing my skin loves. Do you want to hear all of the products I’ve discovered in my July Skincare Shake Up?

July Skincare Shake Up

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Skincare ShakeUp May 2016

I really look forward to these Skincare Shakeup posts – I love trying out new skincare and wish I had more than one face so I could try out new products more often, but I feel like a month is a good amount of time to get an idea of whether something suits me and agrees with my temperamental rosacea skin. Let’s dive in to my Skincare Shakeup May 2016 edition!

Skincare ShakeUp May 2016

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Sunscreens For Rosacea Sensitive Skin #RosaceaReview

Last month was Rosacea Awareness Month and the folks at Buzzfeed asked me to write an article about living with rosacea which you can read HERE. It went viral and has currently had over 550,000 views and so many people got in touch with me to share their stories of rosacea and many of them had questions. A recurring question was asking for recommendations for sunscreens for rosacea sensitive skin. I try to wear factor 50 any time that I’m in the sun but it is hard to find sunscreens that don’t smother or aggravate rosacea or reactive skin. So here are my top 7 favourite sunscreens for rosacea sensitive skin!

Sunscreens For Rosacea Sensitive Skin

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Welcome to Talonted Lex, the go-to online destination for anyone seeking guidance and inspiration on managing rosacea.

From rosacea skincare tips and sensitive skin makeup tutorials to lifestyle adjustments for rosacea relief. Whether you’re looking for the best rosacea treatments, gentle skincare routines, or just a supportive community that understands your skin concerns, Talonted Lex is your ultimate guide.