Barry M Coconut Infusion Review

I wear nail polish for 99.99% of my life. I can think of a handful of occasions where my nails were naked in the past year and one of those was for surgery! My nails are strong and healthy and I don’t go in for this ‘you need to give your nails a break’ rubbish, but hearing about a nail varnish range that hydrates and nourishes your nails definitely made my ears prick up. I hope you enjoy my Barry M Coconut Infusion review!*

Barry M Coconut Infusion Review

Barry M Coconut Infusion Review

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Mani Monday Camouflage nail art

Mani Monday Camouflage nail art

Todays’s Mani Monday nail art is a design that I have been wanting to do for ages… camouflage! And I am really pleased with how it came out.

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Cobalt Nail Varnish A Comparison

The slogan of my blog might as well be “…I don’t even *like* blue nail varnish!” If you’ve seen my huge nail varnish sort and destash video you will have witnessed my utter confusion at how I’ve managed to accumulate such a large amount of blue nail varnishes when I (claim that I) don’t even like blue nail varnish on me. So this cobalt nail varnish comparison post is a bit of a shock to me too!

Cobalt Nail Varnish Comparison

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Barry M Colour Blocking Nail Art

This weekend I had a rummage through my nail art box and remembered these little gold metal squares and knew I had to do something with them. And here are the results… a pretty but modern colour blocking nail art look!

colour blocking nail art

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Abstract Nail Art Inspired By Ashley Goldberg

I have had some beautiful art images pinned to my nail art inspiration Pinterest board for ages. But I was totally bowled over by Ashley Goldberg – she does some stunning work and these nails are a very poor imitation – so go have a look at her stuff and swoon! I hope you like my abstract nail art inspired by the incredible Ashley Goldberg.

I did this manicure freehand with my trusty teeny tiny paintbrush and a lot of different colours, I can give you specifics if you want to know a shade name. Just leave a comment and I’ll get back to you.

Abstract Nail Art Inspired By Ashley Goldberg

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