Beauty Without Boundaries

A very exciting phrase I never thought I would say coming up… tomorrow I will be talking at Vogue House. I will be doing two talks as part of the Beauty Without Boundaries pop up: a partnership with Vogue, Feel Unique and Pinterest to celebrate the Vogue Beauty Awards. Pinterest has asked me to talk about my rosacea and how I use ‘unusual’ beauty to give me confidence – a topic I could talk about until the cows come home. They may need to drag me off-stage to shut me up…!

Beauty without boundaries - How I use unusual make up to give me confidence.

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My Rainbow Make Up Challenge // Talonted Lex

Instagram has really lost its shine in the past year. The algorithm changes mean that the bigger your account the fewer people see it, certain bloggers are buying followers, the spammy comments with no relevance to the content … I’ve just fallen out of love with it a little bit. I became too obsessed with the number of likes each photo would get, how many comments, the feedback, and it just completely took the fun out of it. So I decided to set myself a challenge to keep me interested and the rainbow make up challenge was born!

Rainbow make up looks - Talonted Lex

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Welcome to Talonted Lex, the go-to online destination for anyone seeking guidance and inspiration on managing rosacea.

From rosacea skincare tips and sensitive skin makeup tutorials to lifestyle adjustments for rosacea relief. Whether you’re looking for the best rosacea treatments, gentle skincare routines, or just a supportive community that understands your skin concerns, Talonted Lex is your ultimate guide.