Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review

Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review

Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review

I had been bored with my hair for a while: it was just long blonde hair and I didn’t feel like I ever did anything with it. It wasn’t even a hairstyle, it was just…hair growth.

Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review

I promised my mum I wouldn’t cut my hair until after the wedding and ever since then I’ve been toying with the idea of lopping it all off but needed a while to build up the courage. I haven’t had hair anywhere near my shoulders since about 2008. THAT’S A LONG TIME AGO.

I had never been to a Trevor Sorbie salon before but I looked for salons near me and the reputation of Trevor Sorbie intrigued me. I also assumed it would be crazily expensive but it was pretty reasonable (£58 for a cut and blow dry – better than other hairdressers who shout at you, tell you your hair is in awful condition, and wash your hair with freezing water *cough*Toniandguy*cough*).

Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review

My hairdresser was Sarah (pictured above) who was truly lovely. She was that perfect blend of hairdresser who chats to you and makes you feel comfortable but also doesn’t talk so much you can’t read your trashy magazine. These are like gold dust and now I’ve found her I’m keeping her (not in a creepy way…)

The hairdresser’s itself was beautiful: bright, clean and the staff were friendly and not at all standoffish. PLUS they allowed dogs in which proves they are good people. I was staring at a cocker spaniel for most of my appointment trying to work out how I could get him in my handbag.

Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review

I went for a messy lob (or long bob for those who aren’t familiar with the term). I wanted something I could still tie up but something that still felt like a dramatic change. I was a bit nervous but Sarah put me at ease by chatting everything through with me before we started. I am still getting used to it and have had a slight case of phantom-hair-syndrome when I go to play with it and it’s half gone. But overall I’m thrilled and think it looks so much healthier.

Trevor Sorbie salon, Hampstead review

I am definitely going to go back to Trevor Sorbie and would really recommend it to anyone in that area. I’d recommend having a wander round Hampstead while you’re there as well: lovely restaurants and shops and the most enviable houses in London. We were walking around planning our lives after the inevitable lottery win 😉

You can book in HERE.



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